5 Most-Famous Ancient Chinese Poets

Who are the most famous ancient Chinese poets? Well, there have been so many acclaimed poets in the Chinese history.

Li Bai (Jing Ye Si) – one of the 5 most-famous ancient Chinese poets.
Li Bai (Jing Ye Si) – one of the 5 most-famous ancient Chinese poets.

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It could be difficult to select a few poets out of them.

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However, I do have favorite poets, and I will tell you the names of my favorite 5 ancient Chinese poets.

5 Most-Famous Ancient Chinese Poets

  1. Li Bai (李白, 701-762)
  2. Du Fu (杜甫, 712-770)
  3. Du Mu (杜牧, 803-852)
  4. Bai Juyi (白居易, 772-846)
  5. Su Dongpo (苏东坡, 1037-1101)

The first 4 poets (Li Bai, Du Fu, Du Mu, and Bai Juyi) were from the Tang Dynasty.

  • 唐朝 (Tánɡ cháo): Tang Dynasty (A.D.618-907)
Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 1)

Su Dongpo was from the Song Dynasty.

  • 宋朝 (Sònɡ cháo): Song Dynasty (960-1279)

Look carefully at the timelines. Can you feel the depth of the history of the Chinese poetry?

Well, there were so many great poets long before the Tang Dynasty, such as Qu Yuan (屈原).

  • 屈原 (Qū yuán): Qu Yuan (340-278 BC or 343-290 BC)
Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 2)

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