Ancient Chinese Poem Book Series

Chinese poems (诗歌) are very import part of Chinese language and culture. If you are interested to learn Mandarin Chinese, you need to learn Chinese poems. On this page, I will be recommending you books to learn (HSK Level 1/2) most famous ancient Chinese poems (古诗). These poems, such as Jing Ye Si (静夜思) by Li Bai (李白), are part of the Chinese textbook. Ask any random Chinese person, he’d know Jing Ye Si. Seriously. If you don’t know the poems listed in the books on this page, you need to improve your Chinese level. 🙂

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 4)

Check out the books to learn more Chinese Poems

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 1)

Ancient Chinese Poems Ad

Book (ISBN: 9798887550817) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 2)

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 2)

Book (ISBN: 9798887550824) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 3)

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 3)

Book (ISBN: 9798887550831) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 4)

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 4)

Book (ISBN: 9798887550848) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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