Bai Juyi’s Poem Book Series

Bai Juyi (白居易, 772-846), also known as Letian (乐天), Xiangshan Jushi (香山居士), and Mr. Zuiyin (醉吟先生), is regarded as one of the three great poets of the Tang Dynasty. He was born in what is now called Henan Province. In 846 AD, Bai Juyi passed away in Luoyang and was buried in Xiangshan, Longmen. He wrote poems in simple language and on a wide range of themes, earning him the title of Poetry King (诗王). Some of his famous representative works include Song of Eternal Sorrow (长恨歌, Chang Hen Ge), The Old Charcoal Seller (卖炭翁, Mai Tan Weng), and Pipa Xing (琵琶行).

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 4)

It’s time to learn famous poems of Bai Juyi! On this page, I am excited to share with you selected poems of Bai Juyi. Here, I will be recommending you books to learn Bai Juyi’s famous poems. Each book (HSK Level 1/2) includes 10 famous poems. Each poem is accompanied by pinyin, detailed explanation in the form of an essay, and vocabulary (simplified characters, pinyin, and English).

Check out the books to learn more Chinese Poems

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 1)

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 1)

Book (ISBN: 9798887551050) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 2)

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 1)

Book (ISBN: 9798887551067) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 3)

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 3)

Book (ISBN: 9798887551074) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 4)

Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 4)

Book (ISBN: 9798887551081) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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