Du Fu’s Poem Book Series

Learning ancient Chinese poetry and not learning Du Fu’s (杜甫, 712-770) poems? That’s not right! Du Fu, also known as the Poet-sage (诗圣) was one of the most famous poets of the Tang Dynasty (唐朝, 618-907). His stature in Chinese poetry is comparable to that of Li Bai (李白, 701-762), another great poet of the Tang Dynasty. Not only Li Bai and Du Fu were contemporary, they even met each other a few times. It’s worth mentioning that the meeting of Li Bai and Du Fu (李白和杜甫的见面) is one of the remarkable events in the history of Chinese poetry. In fact, when they met, Du Fu presented one of his famous poems Wang Yue (望岳) to Li Bai and Li Bai appreciated the poem very much [poet Gao Shi (高适, 704-765) was also present]. Together, Li Bai and Du Fu and Li Bai are referred as Li-Du (李杜). Frankly, students of Mandarin Chinese should learn and appreciate the poems of Du Fu.

Du Fu’s Famous Poems (Part 3)

I am excited to share with you selected poems of Du Fu. On this page, I will be recommending you books to learn Du Fu’s famous poems. Each book (HSK Level 1/2) includes 10 famous poems. Each poem is accompanied by pinyin, detailed explanation in the form of an essay, and vocabulary (simplified characters, pinyin, and English).

Check out the books to learn more Chinese Poems

Du Fu’s Famous Poems (Part 1)

Du Fu’s Famous Poems (Part 1)

Book (ISBN: 9798887550879) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Du Fu’s Famous Poems (Part 2)

Du Fu’s Famous Poems (Part 2)

Book (ISBN: 9798887550886) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Du Fu’s Famous Poems (Part 3)

Du Fu’s Famous Poems (Part 3)

Book (ISBN: 9798887551036) links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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