Learn Poem “Jing Ye Si” by Li Bai

Let’s learn a very famous Chinese poem called Jing Ye Si (静夜思) with pinyin and English translation.

Learn Poem Jing Ye Si by Li Bai
Learn Poem Jing Ye Si by Li Bai.

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The poem was written by the Tang Dynasty (唐朝) poet Li Bai (李白) in the year 726. Li Bai was travelling far away from his hometown. He wrote this poem while staying in a hostel in Yangzhou, a city in the modern Jiangsu province. The poem depicts Li Bai’s feelings of missing his hometown.

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The title of the poem, Jing Ye Si, literally means “Quiet Night Thoughts” or “Thoughts in a Quiet Night.”

If you know the three characters in the title, you will easily understand the title of the poem:

  1. 静 (jìng): Silent
  2. 夜 (yè): Night
  3. 思 (sī): Think; thoughts
Bai Juyi’s Famous Poems (Part 1)

Poem – Jing Ye Si

Here is the translation of the poem Jing Ye Si in English with pinyin Romanization.

Thoughts in a Quiet Night





Chuáng qián míng yuè guāng,

There is a shining moon in front of my bed,


Yí shì dì shàng shuāng.

It seems there are frosts on the ground.


Jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè

When I raise my head, I gaze at the moon,


Dī tóu sī gù xiāng.

When I lower my head, I think of (miss) my hometown.

Ancient Chinese Poems (Part 2)

Chinese Words

  1. 床 (chuáng): Bed
  2. 月光 (yuè guāng): Moonlight
  3. 疑 (yí): Doubt; suspect
  4. 霜 (shuāng): Frost
  5. 举头 (jǔ tóu): Raise the head
  6. 故乡 (gù xiāng): Native place; hometown

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